Footsteps Toward the Future
Footsteps Toward the Future
By: Emily C. Bouck, Teresa Taber-Doughty, Melissa N. Savage
The ninth volume of the CEC Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities’ Prism series, Footsteps Toward the Future provides an overview of and strategies when implementing a real-world curriculum for students with intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder, and other developmental disabilities.
Product number: P6148
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Title information
“Real-world” curricula incorporate instruction in skills that support students in living independently and functioning successfully in an inclusive society: living, working, and having fun. Chapters in the book delve into the components of such instruction, discuss how to incorporate real-world skill training within academic settings, and explore effective community-based instruction and collaboration. Full of strategies, tools, and advice, Footsteps Toward the Future is both a valuable resource on real-world curricula and a “must-have” addition to every educator’s instructional planning toolkit.